Interview Mentor

Website in development

Interview Mentor is a specialised interview skills and candidate support business based in the south of England founded by Phil Griffin.With a successful career spanning sales, marketing, and senior management, Phil has gained extensive experience from both sides of the interview table—as a candidate and as a recruiter. Recognising the common struggle faced by candidates and recruiters in interview situations, we are committed to bridging this gap.For candidates: this involves equipping them with the tools they need to present themselves effectively, stand out from others, and secure good job offers. Then empowering and guiding them as they make informed decisions about accepting a role in business where they will thrive and progress their career while being fairly rewarded and valued.For recruiting managers: our focus is on equipping them with the tools to perform well, to maximise the time with candidates, and to make good decisions to build and strengthen their team. Critical to this is thoroughly preparing for each interview, building up a rapport to relax candidates, asking powerful questions, and ‘selling’ the company and role to prospective employees.Contact us for the details of upcoming workshops in your area or to speak about your current situation and challenges.